I fully understand that I can cancel in full the binding room reservation free of charge by notifying us MHK in writing by 29 January 2025 at the latest. In the event of cancellation after this date, I understand that I must pay the agreed price in full for the room reservation even if I do not make use of it. The hotel booking I have agreed to through the website will be invoiced to me directly for the hotel cancellation fees (no show). I have the right to demonstrate to the hotel that the hotel cancellation fees should not apply, or not in the amount requested.
Payment processing by MHK will only be carried out if, for example, payment has not been made to the hotel for hotel services for you or any third party booked in by you. Such services might include a place being booked, but the participant not appearing for the event. Similarly, cancellation fees may be invoiced for activity programmes, workshops or seminars for which a fee is payable, even if the registered participant did not attend.
In the above cases, your data will be processed by our accounting software to invoice you.
If you take part in central settlement, the invoices will be regulated by us via the central settlement department of the IHT. In all other cases, the invoice will be sent to you by post or digitally.
The prices quoted are before the addition of the City Tax which applies in Berlin. The new City Tax Act of 01.04.2024 means that private or business trips to Berlin are subject to an occupancy tax (City Tax) amounting to 7,5% of the net price of the room, in addition to 7% VAT. This must be paid by all visitors on arrival.
MHK, as the event organiser, accepts no liability for loss of or damage to the property of event participants, for personal items, nor for any other financial losses suffered by event participants. This does not apply to damage resulting from a breach of a key contractual obligation (cardinal duty) nor to damage due to a deliberate or grossly negligent breach of duty by the organiser, its legal representative(s) or a vicarious agent of the organiser. The liability disclaimer does also not apply to damages resulting from injury to life, limb or health.
Data collected during registration for the 2025 MHK Annual General Meeting of the MHK Group, Dreieich will be processed and used solely for the purpose of preparing and conducting the event and carrying out follow-up activities and will only be stored for this purpose. We would also like to mention that attendance lists are drawn up to facilitate the proper conduct of the shareholders’ meetings. Regarding the participant lists which are likewise planned for this purpose, all participants agree to restrict access to and disclosure of information about other participants unless otherwise agreed in advance. A brief confirmation to events@mhk.de will suffice for this.
For all other privacy queries, please refer to our Privacy Statement which is available on the home page of our website.
I/we also consent to photographs being taken and audio recordings being made of me/us within the context of this event, and to their being stored and used for the purpose of publishing public coverage of the event in print, film and online media. This consent is also expressly given for all event participants registered by me/us, for whom I/we have the right to give such consent. You naturally have the option at the event to object to targeted individual photographs or audio recordings of yourself.